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Hotel at Bodhgaya

Crafting Transformative Spaces 

SJK Architects is an architecture, interior design and masterplanning practice founded in 1990 by Shimul Javeri Kadri, and led by her and Partners, Vaishali Mangalvedhekar, Sarika Shettyand Roshni Kshirsagar. They design spaces for a rapidly urbanizing India, meticulously crafted from a study of climate, culture, history, and technology – each unique to the place and its people. A Mumbai-based collective of 30+ built environment professionals, they work with clients and collaborators all across the country.

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 Since 1990 we have received (123) awards


SJK Architects works all over India, in both rural and urban contexts, in small towns as well asmetros. Their portfolio cuts across scales and typologies, including residential, retail, hotels andresorts, museums and galleries, industrial and healthcare, amongst others. Some of the firm’snotable projects include theNirvana Films’ Studio(2011) in Bangalore, which won at theWorld Architecture Festival held in Singapore in 2012; theLeaf House(2012) in Mumbai,shortlisted for the World ArchitectureFestival, 2012;Automobile Design Studio(2015) forMahindra and Mahindra; multiple-award-winning projects for Marasa Hospitality, including theDasavatara Hotel(2015) in Tirupati, a holy city for Hindus and home to many historic temples,and theHotel inBodh Gaya(2020), one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in theworld; the Apartment Building at Boat Club (2020) in Chennai; theRural Multi-specialityHospital(2021) for the JSW Foundation in Alibaug, near Mumbai. Upcoming projects includetheMuseum for Jain Heritagein Koba, near Ahmedabad; thePublic Pavilions in Palitana, amajor pilgrim town for the Jain community in Gujarat; and the ongoingexpansion of SRUniversityin Warangal, Telangana.

Our work has accrued considerable Indian and international acclaim, receiving many distinctions such as the World Architecture Festival Prize(Singapore)in 2012, theFuturarcGreen Leadership Award(Singapore) in 2012,The Chicago Athenaeum Museum ofArchitecture & Design(USA) in 2016, thePrixVersailles Award(France) in 2016 and 2022,The Merit Listin 2021,JK AYA Awardin 2023 andnine awards from the Indian Institute ofArchitects and Indian Institute of Interior Designers. One of our projects has recently been selected for theUIA Guidebook for the 2030 Agendafor advancing the United Nations’Sustainable Development Goals. The practice’s work has been featured in many eminentinternational publications including Domus, Dezeenand theFuture Arc Magazine.